The condensation that forms on the outside of a cold pipe or component is actually moisture from the air not the pipe.
Condensation on pipes in attic.
Inspect your attic insulation.
Improper or no insulation of ducts.
Cold water supply piping.
When he was cleaning his second floor guest bathroom he noticed a stain on the ceiling of the main floor directly under that bathroom.
If the pipe is completely busted then you ll likely experience a severe flooding of the attic.
Whenever there is a contact between the hot humid air and cold metal surface then there will be sweating or condensation on the metal surface so it is very important to have a proper insulation for the air handler ducts in case the portion of the duct is coming in contact with the.
The simple physics behind sweating is.
Like a cold bottle of soda on a hot day when humid air comes in contact with a chilled pipe or component the air loses its capacity to hold water vapor as a result excess water forms into liquid water droplets on or near the.
Broken water pipes may also cause trigger condensation in attics.
Check all possible entry points for water leaking from outsi.
In this quick video i show you what to look for if you have condensation build up in your attic.
Condensation on your ceiling can cause water damage and promote the growth of mold or mildew.
If you have taken the proper steps to remove excess humid air from your home and you re still having condensation issues it might be time to check the attic insulation.
Solutions for attic condensation.
This may be more common on metal pipes which conduct thermal energy more easily and so often grow colder than other pipe materials.
Condensation can occur on all types of cold water supply piping materials but we see the most significant condensation on metal cold water pipes copper galvanized steel and a bit less on plastic piping probably because the plastic does not so quickly conduct water temperature to the outside of the pipe.
Think about it condensation on ductwork probably isn t a big problem in phoenix arizona but why.
Specifically cold water pipes in warm places think basements crawlspaces attics can produce condensation.
Because the average humidity level is 10 20 in phoenix.
However an attic in pensacola florida is likely to have a humidity level closer to 100 and the risk of condensation on ductwork would then go up quite a bit.
He called the builder right away and their plumber looked and said the stain is caused by condensation on a pipe in the unfinished attic space thawing and dripping down the pipes.
Improper ventilation and insulation of home attic space can produce.